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Introducing a New Service : Registration of one (1) & two (2) character RW domain names.

In an exciting development for businesses and individuals in Rwanda and beyond, the Rwanda Internet Community and Technology Alliance (RICTA), the entity charged with management and administration of the dot RW Country Code Top Level Domain (RW ccTLD) name is gearing up to introduce one (1) and two (2) characters domain names for registration. This move follows a trend seen in other countries worldwide and promises significant benefits for both clients and RW Partners commonly known as “Registrars”.

The decision to introduce the registration for both characters among other services stem from a belief in providing more opportunities for brand representation and online identity. Many businesses and individuals have expressed a desire for shorter, more memorable domain names that better reflect their brands or personal identities. With the availability of 1 – and 2-character domains, this aspiration can soon become a reality.

“We believe that this new service will be beneficial for both clients and Registrars,” stated Grace Ingabire, CEO at RICTA. “Clients who have long wished to own a short RW domain for their brands will now have the chance to acquire one. Registrars, in turn, will benefit from this as it adds another valuable service to their current offerings.”

The introduction of these short RW domain names is expected to create a surge in registrations, providing registrars with a new avenue for revenue generation. It also aligns with RICTA’s ongoing efforts to enhance the digital presence of businesses and individuals across Rwanda and beyond.

If you own a brand or are looking to establish a distinct online presence, now is the time to prepare. The process for registering these coveted 1- or 2-characters RW domain names will be unveiled soon. RICTA urges all interested parties to stay updated on the latest announcements to ensure they do not miss out on this opportunity.

As the launch date approaches, businesses and individuals are encouraged to monitor RICTA’s website and its other official communications for detailed information on registration processes and related updates.

Don’t delay—get ready to purchase a RW domain name that truly represents your brand or personal identity. Stay tuned for more information and be prepared to take your online presence to the next level with RICTA’s upcoming initiatives.